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Is Your System Simple, Sticky, and Self-Regulating?

Improving Systems and Habits

Using systems and habits to improve your life is a proven method to succeed. It requires seeing the work as a system and then adjusting your thoughts and behaviors to be able to take advantage of your opportunities in life.

Is Your System Simple, Sticky, and Self-Regulating?

Scott Miker

When building a new process—whether at work or in personal development—it’s crucial to ask: Is the system simple, sticky, and self-regulating? These three criteria act as a litmus test for creating systems that work and endure over time.

Complex systems often fail because they’re overwhelming. A good system strips away unnecessary steps, starting with the basics and evolving gradually. Simplify first, then build from there.

Sticky systems are naturally easy to follow. Instead of relying on discipline or external enforcement, they align with existing habits and require little effort to maintain. James Clear’s Atomic Habits offers great insights into designing behaviors that stick.

A self-regulating system runs smoothly without constant intervention. It adapts over time, self-correcting to keep itself on track.

An Example: Driver Logs
At work, we had an issue where changes to delivery routes weren’t reflected on printed driver logs. Despite repeated reminders, the error kept happening. The solution? Redesign the form to make the endpoint of each route unmistakably clear.

The new system worked because:

  • It was simple: No extra effort was required to use the updated form.

  • It was sticky: The new template became the standard, making it harder to revert to the old one.

  • It was self-regulating: Even as the form evolved, its structure prevented errors.

Instead of blaming the coordinator for repeated mistakes, we fixed the system so the error couldn’t happen again.

Applying the Framework
When designing or troubleshooting a process, ask yourself:

  1. Is it simple enough to implement easily?

  2. Is it sticky enough to be followed consistently?

  3. Is it self-regulating so it won’t fall apart over time?

Weak systems fail under pressure, but strong systems perpetuate themselves. By focusing on simplicity, stickiness, and self-regulation, you can build systems that solve problems and sustain success.